Shed Zoning Permits
For sheds 200 square feet or less, the property owner must fill out a Shed Zoning Permit Application, obtained online or outside of the Code Enforcement Office at Borough Hall. The fee for this permit is $50.
If the Shed is 201 square feet or greater, a Shed Zoning Approval, as well as a Construction Permit, are required. This Construction Permit may only be picked up at Borough Hall.
Additionally, sheds must be at least 6 feet from the side & rear property lines, and at least 10 feet from any principle building. A current survey of the location of the shed is required for the review along with a complete set of construction drawings of the shed.
Contact Us
Borough of Allendale
500 W Crescent Ave
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone (201) 818-4400