Do I Need a Permit?
The State of New Jersey establishes the rules for when construction permits are required (NJAC 5:23-2.14 Construction permits-when required). The Borough is responsible for enforcing these State rules and issuing construction permits. There are various types of defined work categories; some are considered “ordinary maintenance” which does not require a construction permit or inspection. Almost all other construction work does require a permit in accordance with the State rules.
“Emergency work” may occur at any time without notice to the Borough or permit issued, however, construction permits are still required for emergency-type work where the permit applications must be submitted to the Borough within 72 hours of the emergency work performed.
Major work, minor work and emergency work are categories of work describing the types of construction work and permit guidance or exceptions. Contact the Department at 201-818-4400 x202 for additional information and permit guidance if you do not see your specific project listed.
Major Work
New buildings, additions, alterations and repairs all count as major work. Major work requires construction permits prior to work commencing and in most cases also requires a zoning approval. Wood decks, swimming pools, hot tubs and sheds are considered to fall within this category of work.
Minor Work
Minor work is a category of listed work for one and two family residential structures such as roofing, siding and water heater replacements that require a construction permit; however, the work may proceed after formal notification is made to the Borough.
Emergency Work
Emergency work may proceed without notice or permit. The permit must be applied for or notice received no later then 72 hours after work commences.
Permits Required
Review New State Permit Requirements here.
Construction and Zoning Permit Applications
The following require you apply for a permit through the Building Department:
- Enlarging a window or door
- Water Heater (replacement or new)
- Boiler (replacement or new)
- Furnace (replacement or new)
- A/C & HVAC (replacement or new) (you must submit application with a survey or a clear picture of location)
- Addition
- Enclosing an open porch room
- Bath & Kitchen Renovations – applies to single family homes – if you are doing a direct replacement – no permit is required If you are taking down walls, changing the location of fixture and lights or adding fixtures and lights – you then need a permit
- Bath & Kitchen Renovation – Townhouse, condo, two-family – a permit is required
- Replace Electric stove with Gas Stove
- Basement Renovation
- Any new wiring
- In Ground or Above Ground Pool
- Pool Fence
- Installing a fireplace
- Installing a gas insert into a fire place
- Installing a concrete patio
- Installing – installing a brand new deck
- Shed – if 200 sqft or under a Shed Zoning permit must be submitted along with a survey – if over 200 sqft – a building permit is submitted
- Underground Sprinkler – a Plumbing permit is required for the backflow preventor & if installing an outlet – an Electrical permit is required
Permits Not Required
Permits are not required for the following (single or two family):
- Roofs
- Siding
- Direct Replacement of windows or doors
- Painting your house
- Installing floor material (carpet or tile)
- Replacing drywall, plastering a wall
- Replacing a faucet or valve
- Replacing a light fixture
- Installing an alarm system
- Replacing kitchen cabinets
- Replacing a deck – any part of a deck, porch or stoop that does not provide structural support for any roof or portion of a building may be replaced
- Gutters
- Spas/Hot Tubs – Storable spas and hot tubs may be installed when provided with a lockable safety cover that complies with ASTM F1346
- Alarms
- Communication wiring
If you have questions, please call the Construction Code office at 201-818-4400, ext. 202.
Contact Us
Borough of Allendale
500 W Crescent Ave
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone (201) 818-4400