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John Fell House

Concerned Citizens of Allendale (CCA) is the 501c3 non-profit that was founded in 2007 with a singular purpose – saving a piece of American history from being demolished. Thanks to funding from private donors, Bergen County Open Space and New Jersey Green Acres programs, we are ecstatic that we were indeed successful in our efforts. The John Fell House, with its 3-acre property and outbuildings located at 475 Franklin Turnpike in Allendale, is now listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Places and is owned and managed by CCA.

The house is the former home of Continental Congressman John Fell and his family. Originally constructed in the 1760s with additions in the 1830s and 1915 that expanded the structure to 7,000 square feet, the house was also home to the first Sunday School in Allendale, Civil War hero Joseph Warner Allen whom Allendale is named after and Adam Badeau, President Ulysses S. Grant’s biographer.

The Board of Directors and Friends of the Fell House are helping to preserve, restore and maintain the property through various fundraisers, donor campaigns, and grant applications. The home is available for private functions as well as being used as an educational resource for the community. Over the last few years, we have enhanced the property, replaced the roof, painted and restored the windows and trim and continue to make additional improvements and restoration efforts while showcasing this historic home and the property for all sorts of community-oriented events — from colonial re-enactments to holiday bazaars to nature night.

Join us today as a Friend and Volunteer!

Check us out on Facebook for more information or visit our website at John Fell House | A Historic National Treasure

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