Spring Clean Up
2025 Date Coming Soon! Stay Tuned!
Join us for Allendale's Spring Cleaning Day at Borough Hall
- Paper Shredding
- Electronics Recycling
- Prescription Drug & Syringe Take Back
- Clothing & Textile Recycling
Used/wearable clothing, shoes, sandals, sneakers, boots, construction boots, work gear, jackets, coats, rain gear, leathers, belts, ties, pants, shirts, sweaters, vests, blouses, dresses, skirts, robes, undergarments, sheets, throw pillows, pillowcases, towels, linens, tablecloths, hats, scarfs, gloves, handbags, purses, wallets, jewelry, watches, uniforms, jerseys, backpacks and swim wear. - EPS “Styrofoam” Recycling
Clean, white, EPS #6 “Styrofoam” packing foam. NO packing peanuts, no food contact foam. - Plastic Bag/Plastic Film Collection
Examples: bubble wrap, cereal bags, produce bags, ice bags, ziploc bags, water, paper towel and toilet tissue wrapping, plastic shipping envelopes, dry cleaning bags, bread bags - Air Conditioners, Humidifiers, Space Heaters, TV’s, VCR’s, DVD Players, E-Book Readers, Fax Machines, Cell Phones, Telephones, Telecommunications Equipment, Cameras, Stereos, Radios, MP3 Players, Speakers, Laptops, Computers, Monitors, Printers, Keyboards, Mice, Servers, Modems, Battery Backups, Wires, Cables, Scanners & Copiers, and Small Appliances including microwaves.
- Empty Propane Tanks
- X-Ray and MRI Film Collection
All services are FREE of Charge!
For more information contact: AllendaleGreenTeam@gmail.com
Contact Us
Borough of Allendale
500 W Crescent Ave
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone (201) 818-4400