Needle and Syringe Disposal
The Allendale Board of Health office has been contacted regarding the proper way to dispose of used needles and syringes generated in the home for medical purposes.
- Needles and/or syringes must be placed in a protective container made of metal, tin, or hard plastic The lid must be placed back on, taped, and marked homecare-needle/syringes. This is to be disposed of in your regular trash and not recycling. Additionally, a Red Sharps Container can be purchased in your pharmacy. All of the above can be disposed of safety in your regular trash pickup.
- Englewood Hospital (201) 894-3189 and Holy Name Hospital (201) 833-3371 offer a program whereby sharps containers are provided to the individual.
Your cooperation is appreciated; improper disposal of the above poses a potential health hazard to our community. Should you have any questions, please call (201) 818-4400 ext. 211.
Contact Us
Borough of Allendale
500 W Crescent Ave
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone (201) 818-4400