Tobacco Prevention
Quitting Tobacco
Click here for an important Public Service Announcement: Extinguishing the Tobacco Epidemic in New Jersey.
Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disability in the United States, despite a significant decline in the number of people who smoke. Over 16 million Americans have at least one disease caused by smoking. This amounts to $170 billion in direct medical costs that could be saved every year if youth could be prevented from starting to smoke and cessation assistance provided to every person who smokes.
Tobacco prevention and control is one of the “best buys” in public health.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has developed fact sheets on the public health response to tobacco use in New Jersey. Attached is the National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) State Fact Sheet for New Jersey.
Quitting tobacco is not easy. Studies show that only 3% to 5% of smokers are able to quit without any assistance. Most ex-smokers report that it takes several tries to quit for good. The U.S. Public Health Service’s clinical practice guideline found Quitline counseling can more than double a smoker’s chances of quitting. Quitline counseling combined with medication can more than triple the chances of quitting. Research shows that Quitline users have about a 60% better chance of staying smoke-free than those who try to quit on their own.
For smokers who need help in quitting, please continue to promote New Jersey Quitline, a free telephone counseling service available to any New Jersey resident. There is no age requirement to receive cessation counseling through the NJ Quitline. NJ Quitline registration and counseling is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm and 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday and Sundays. After hours an individual has access to voice mail and quit tips. To register, smokers who are ready to quit can call the NJ Quitline directly toll-free at 866-657-8677 or visit The NJ Quitline.
For more information on tobacco prevention and control, visit the CDC's page on Tobacco.
Contact Us
Borough of Allendale
500 W Crescent Ave
Allendale, NJ 07401
Phone (201) 818-4400