The Mayor and Council of the Borough of Allendale are held in-person at the Allendale Municipal Building, 500 West Crescent Avenue, Allendale, New Jersey 07401. Work Sessions will be held at 7:00 p.m. with the Regular Sessions immediately following in the Council Chambers located on the second floor.
There will be opportunities for public comment at designated times during both the Work and Regular Sessions. Those in the public who wish to comment must attend in person or submit written comments in advance, for reading during the meeting, via email to or to Linda Cervino, Municipal Clerk, Borough of Allendale, 500 West Crescent Avenue, Allendale, NJ 07401. The deadline for submission can be found on the Sunshine Notice for the meeting date.
The Borough of Allendale will livestream the Work and Regular Sessions. Members of the public wishing to view these meetings can click the "Livestream" link in the Mayor & Council section on the website.
The public is advised that there will be no opportunity for comment by those viewing the livestreamed Work and Regular Session meetings. Public wishing to comment must attend in person.
The Agenda, to the extent known, can be viewed 48 hours prior to the meeting at Mayor & Council Agendas.